(Purple Belt)

Major Awards

  • Competition Year No. Fights Results Medal Belt
  • European Open Jiu-Jitsu Championship 2010 1 L None White
  • GI British Open 2010 3 WWL None White
  • No Gi British Open 2010 3 WWL Bronze White
  • GI Seni 2010 2 WL None White
  • BJJ London Open 2010 2 WL None White
  • GI British Open 2011 3 WWL None White
  • No Gi British Open 2011 1 L None Blue
  • GI British Open 2012 3 WWL None Blue
  • GI British Open 2013 1 L None Blue
  • High Wycombe – KLEOS 3 GI 2015 3 WLL None Blue
  • British Open 2015 2015 1 L None Blue

Grading Timeline

  • Date Joined: 2009
  • Blue Belt: 10 September 2011
  • Purple Belt: 6 July 2015


Purple Belt

Get to Know Jacques Ward

What would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island (no mobile or friends/family)?

• Desert island survival book

Describe your perfect Day that does not involve BJJ.

• Early morning gym session, afternoon nap and a pint in the local pub.

Where do you most want to travel apart from the obvious …Brazil, but have never been?

• Japan

What is your favourite memory about training?

• Coming away knowing I had learned something new or had helped someone else on there jiu jitsu journey.

Who is your favourite Film? What is your favourite book?

• Harry Potter (Book).
• Any Bruce Lee film.

What was your favourite technique in BJJ/MMA /Wrestling?

• Arm Drag / Arm bar

What has been your biggest challenge in martial arts?

• Learning to control my nerves in a competition

What is your biggest success up until now?

• Learning more each day and achieving the best that I can

If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?

• Why travel back? I always like to move foward…. it would also be cool to watch England win the 1966 world cup.

How would your friends describe you?

• Green, big, strong…. and you wouldn’t like me when i’m angry.